A Condition Called Love Hindi Dubbed [ORG]

A Condition Called Love Anime Series Download All Episodes in Hindi Dubbed from 1XAnime

Anime Information

Name: A Condition Called Love
Genre: Shoujo romance
Original source: Manga by Megumi Morino
Studio: East Fish Studio
Original run: April 4, 2024 – June 20, 2024
Episodes: 12
Languages: Hindi [ORG]

Plot Overview 

Hotaru Hinase, a 16-year-old first-year high school student, has never shown any interest in love. She enjoys her life with her family and friends. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets her classmate, Hananoi-kun, who is devastated by a public breakup. Hotaru kindly provides him her umbrella. The next day, Hananoi asks Hotaru out on a date, leaving her perplexed but intrigued by this unexpected change in her life.

A Condition Called Love Hindi Dubbed Season 1 Links

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